exoThis page is where you’ll find what’s coming up at NewLife Anglican when it comes to our preaching. Scroll down and look for the highlighted links to download the MP3s of sermons you’d like to listen to. Note that Stuart and Matthew generally alternate the preaching so there’s two voices that you’ll be hearing here and throughout the series below.

All of our sermons live in these links below


1&2 Kings:Kingdom with a King-shaped Hole

October 12th: 1-2 Kings & God’s plan for Israel

Today’s sermon will look at the history of Israel from Exodus through to 1 Kings.

You can listen to Matthew’s sermon by clicking on this link.


October 19th: The Rise and Fall of King Solomon the Great

Today’s sermon will look at chapters 2-11 and the incredible story of one of Israel’s greatest kings – the son of David – King Solomon. It’s more than simply a history lesson with a challenge to us as we reflect on his life.

You can listen to Stuart’s sermon by clicking on this link.

October 26th: Solomon’s temple & God’s mission

Today’s sermon examines in detail God’s design and purposes for the temple in 1 Kings 8.

You can listen to Matthew’s sermon as soon as we put the link up.


Holiday Preaching

October 5th: How to show hospitality like God

Today’s sermon looks at the crucial issue of hospitality in the life of our church. It’s a big topic with a great example from God himself before us. You can listen to Stuart’s sermon by clicking on this link.



2 Timothy: Letter from a life well lived.

August 31st: Christianity without Shame

As we begin our series on this wonderful letter we’ll be challenged to see if Christianity is a subject to be mastered or about meeting a master to be subject to. You can listen to Stuart’s sermon by clicking on this link.

September 7th: What it means to be ‘in’ Christ

A great exposition of this really key theme from Matthew. You can listen to Matt’s sermon by clicking on this link.

September 14th: Holy living and the Holy Word

Matthew challenged us to consider the role that we play together with the Holy Spirit in seeking growth in godliness and then expanded on the idea of what it means to believe the Bible is God-breathed and useful. You can listen to Matt’s sermon by clicking on this link.

September 21st: Right Longing Changes Everything

Stuart challenged us to consider what we’re longing for and to consider the place of Jesus’ return in that mix and how it should rightly impact everything. You can listen to Stuart’s sermon by clicking on this link.




Big Questions Catchup: Medical Ethics


August 24th

Our focus today will be God and medical ethics. You can listen to Matthew’s careful approach to this broad and fraught topic by clicking on this link.

1 Timothy: Community Worthy Fighting For

July 13th: Greetings & the Goal of the Good Fight

Our focus today will be on 1 Timothy 1. You can listen to Matthew’s sermon by clicking on this link.

July 20th: God’s Purpose, Prayer, and Proper Order

Our focus today will be on 1 Timothy 2. You can listen to Stuart’s sermon by clicking on this link.

July 27th: How to choose Caretakers for God’s Household

Our focus today will be on 1 Timothy 3. You can listen to Matt’s sermon by clicking on this link.

August 3rd: Failed & Faithful Overseers

Our focus today will be on 1 Timothy 4. You can listen to Stuart’s sermon by clicking on this link.

August 10th: Doing Community Life Together

Our focus today will be on 1 Timothy 5. You can listen to Matt’s sermon by clicking on this link.

August 17th: False Teachers and Final Instructions

Our focus today will be on 1 Timothy 6. You can listen to Stuart’s sermon by clicking on this link.


Trinity Sunday: Worshipping God in Trinity

In this one off sermon we’ll look at who God is as He reveals Himself to us and reflect on the God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Your can listen to Stuart’s sermon by clicking on this link.


James: Faith that Worx Series


We’re looking forward to diving into one of the most practical and challenging books in the New Testament – the book of James.

June 1st: Welcome to James

Our first talk will look at James 1:1-18 and explore the author and recipients of the book of James as well as his opening challenge on how to live with godly wisdom. You can listen to Matthew’s sermon by clicking on this link.

June 8th: The Faith that Worx

Our focus today will be on James 1:19-2:25. You can listen to Stuart’s sermon by clicking on this link.

June 15th: Refreshing the Salt Spring

Our focus today will be on James 3:1-4:12. You can listen to Matthew’s sermon by clicking on this link.

June 22nd: Waiting like the Patient Farmer

Our focus today will be on James 4:13-5:11. You can listen to Matthew’s sermon by clicking on this link.

June 29th: Powerful Prayer, Powerful Care

Our focus today will be on James 5:12-20. You can listen to Matthew’s sermon by clicking on this link.



Big Questions Series


If you’re engaging with the bible and the world around you it will be perfectly natural to find your mind filling with questions. At NewLife Anglican we welcome such questions and encourage one another to ask them so that the Word we treasure might find its home in our hearts and shape our engagement with the beautiful, messy and broken world around us.

The aim of this series then is to begin to formulate some structure for how to engage with a few of these sorts of questions. We’d encourage all who listen to continue the dialogue via our connect page and in our LifeGroups and indeed, after the services that they’re preached at on Sundays.

April 27th: Does God Care about Halloween and Harry Potter?

What is the way to deal with culture especially when that culture is influenced and shaped by ideas that appear to be connected with false spirituality. You can listen to Matthew’s sermon by clicking on this link.

May 4th: What does God think about broken marriages?

A huge topic in our broken world. We’ll explore marriage as God intended originally, the trials of marriage, broken marriages and the possibility of remarriage. You can listen to Stuart’s sermon by clicking on this link. If this sermon raises questions and circumstances that weren’t covered (undoubtedly the case) then please feel free to be in touch to discuss matters further via our Contacts page.

May 11th: Does God really expect me to forgive that?

Since sin entered the world humans have been hurting one another. Into this context Jesus called His followers to forgive. But can God really mean for us to forgive everything? Isn’t that unfair? This will be the weight of our discussion in this message. You can listen to Matthew’s sermon by clicking on this link.

May 18th: Should human’s play God in Medicine? (this sermon will be preached later)

It’s hard to escape Spiderman here. There’s great power in modern medicine and increasingly this places options and opportunities before us as human beings that were previously the exclusive domain of our Heavenly Father. In this sermon we’ll explore what relationship great power has to great responsibility as God’s servants.

Stuart spoke from Colossians 4 as Matthew was unwell. We’ll catch up this sermon later in the year. In the mean time here’s Stuart’s message.

May 25th: What does God actually say about Gay Marriage?

A biblically informed attempt to seek a careful and faithful investigation of a topic that has the attention of Christians and the rest of the community. You can hear Stuart’s message here.

The Good News according to Luke (Part 2)


We’re looking forward to fixing our attention on Jesus through the account of his life written by Luke the doctor. Here’s how we see the second part of our sermon series unfolding. As the messages are preached the MP3s will be added here with links so that you can download each message.

March 9th – Jesus resolutely sets out for Jerusalem

Luke 9:51-10:41 will be the focus this Sunday as we consider Jesus’ ultimate destination. You can find the MP3 of Stuart’s sermon by clicking on this link.

March 16th – Darkness vs. Light & the Dangers for Disciples

Luke 11:1-12:48 will be the focus this Sunday as we consider Jesus’ ultimate destination. You can find the MP3 of Matthew’s sermon by clicking on this link.

March 23rd – Israel Rejects its King; the Cost of Discipleship

Luke 12:49-14:35 will be the focus this Sunday as we consider Jesus’ ultimate destination. You can find the MP3 of Stuart’s sermon by clicking on this link.

March 30th – God Seeks the Lost

Luke 15 will be the focus this Sunday as we consider Jesus’ ultimate destination. You can find the MP3 of Matthew’s sermon by clicking on this link.

April 6th – Saving the Rich

Luke 16:1-19:27 will be the focus this Sunday as we consider Jesus’ ultimate destination. You can find the MP3 of Stuart’s sermon by clicking on this link.

April 13th – The Coming King & the End of the World

Luke 19:28-21:38 will be the focus this Sunday as we consider Jesus’ ultimate destination.

April 18th – A Good Man Down

Luke 22-23 will be the focus this Sunday as we consider Jesus reaching his ultimate destination. You can find the MP3 of Matthew’s sermon by clicking on this link.

April 20th – You Can’t Keep a Good Man Down

Luke 24 will be the focus this Sunday as we consider Jesus conquering His final enemy – death. You can find the MP3 of Stuart’s sermon by clicking on this link.


Church: Jesus’ gathering community


For the next five weeks we’ll be developing our understanding of God’s most precious gift to His Son – the Church. We’ll be considering what the church is, why God is building it, why sermons are preached, how we can serve and the big question behind it all for many, “Why bother with church at all. It should be a great ride, join us.

February 2nd – “I believe in One, Holy, Universal (catholic), and Apostolic Church”

Big Question: “What is church?” Revelation 7 will be our key text.

We kick off our series on church with an investigation of what the Nicene Creed means when it says that Christians believe in ‘One, Holy, Universal and Apostolic Church’.

You can listen to Stuart’s first sermon of the series in MP3 form by clicking here.

February 9th – The Church in the community

Big Question: “Why is God building His Church?”

This sermon was given by the bishop of Wollongong, Peter Hayward, at the commemoration of NewLife Anglican Church becoming a Provisional Parish. Peter takes us to Acts 11 to reflect on how Jesus-centred, Bible-believing churches are essential to a local community.

You can listen to Bishop of Wollongong Peter Hayward’s sermon by clicking on this link to download the MP3.

February 16th – The Word of God in the life of the Church: preaching, hearing, reading.

Big Question: “Why sermons? Why the Bible?”

The Bible is the word of God and Church is Jesus’ gathering community come to hear that word preached. What is the point of sermons? How are they supposed to benefit Christians? How should I get the most out of them?

You can listen to Matthew’s sermon by clicking here for the MP3.

February 23rd – Every member ministry: How Jesus equips his church to serve

Big Question: “How can I serve?”

All Christians are ‘ministers’ (that is, servants), and called to serve Jesus’ family with the gifts God has given them, for the health and upbuilding of their church community. How do I get started? How can I know how God has gifted me to serve?

You can listen to Stuart’s sermon by clicking on this link for the MP3.

March 3rd – Wrap-up: the Church through the ages

Big Question: “Why bother with Church?”

Jesus’ church is one community of loving relationships. The structure and busyness of today’s society presents particular challenges to churches really being communities. How can Christians help to ensure that their church is a community, and not simply a group of strangers that meet together once per week?

You can listen to Matthew’s sermon by clicking here for the link to the MP3.


The Good News according to Luke (Part 1)


We’re looking forward to fixing our attention on Jesus through the account of his life written by Luke the doctor. Here’s how we see the series unfolding. As the messages are preached the MP3s will be added here with links so that you can download each message.

December 15th – Waiting for the Saviour

Luke 1:1-25, 57-80 will be the focus this Sunday as we consider the birth of John the Baptist. You can find the MP3 of Matthew’s sermon by clicking on this link.

December 22nd – Mary: most blessed woman

Luke 1:25-56 we look forward to considering Mary and her essential role in the Saviour’s arrival. You can find the MP3 of Stuart’s sermon by clicking on this link.

December 25th – The Saviour is Born

Luke 2:1-21 will be the focus this Christmas day as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ. You can find the MP3 of Stuart’s sermon by clicking on this link.

December 29th – Jesus the boy

Luke 2:22-51 will be the focus this Sunday as we think on how Jesus grew and developed. You can find the MP3 of Matthew’s sermon by clicking on this link.

January 5th – Preparation for Jesus’ mission

Luke 3:1-4:13 will be the focus this Sunday as we look at Jesus’ call. You can find the MP3 of Matthew’s sermon by clicking here.

January 12th – The Goal of Jesus’ mission: healing & forgiveness

Luke 4:14-5:32 will be the focus this Sunday as we unpack Jesus’ own words on His mission. You can find the MP3 of Stuart’s sermon by clicking here.

January 19th – Jesus’ new way: law, Israel, Gentiles, forgiveness

Luke 5:33-7:50 will be the focus this Sunday as we consider Jesus’ impact on the mindset of Israel. You can find the MP3 of Matthew’s sermon by clicking here.

January 26th – Glimpses of the future age Jesus Brings

Luke 8:1-9:50 will be the focus this Sunday as we consider get an insight into where Jesus is taking us.


Kids Celebration Sunday

This week we had a Sid the puppet join Stuart for a fun exploration of what the good news is. If you’d like to have a listen please click this link for the MP3.


Assurance – Enduring to Win the Prize



The next series that we’re doing at NewLife has to do with one of our four key values. We long to see new life in Jesus come to every home and for those who are gripped by His grace to be Faithful, Adventurous, Compassionate and Enduring apprentices. It’s this fourth value – Enduring – and the longing to be assured that we will indeed be found amongst those who make it to the final day intact that has motivated Matthew and I to explore this topic. Each week we’ll look at one of the grounds for solid assurance and develop a picture of running long that we hope will be incredibly encouraging for us His saints.

October 20th – Confidence in Christ

This sermon will launch our series with an introduction to the topic and the first grounds for our assurance – the work of Christ Himself.  The key text is Hebrews 10:11-25 and you can find the MP3 of Stuart’s sermon by clicking on this link.

October 27th – Running to Win the Prize

This sermon will seek to answer the question, “so I prayed a prayer, now what?” The key text is Philippians 3. Unfortunately the sermon by Stuart did not record well enough to post.

November 3rd – Election and the Race Set before us

This sermon will seek to answer the question, “Is running the race all up to me?” The key text is Ephesians 1:1-14. You can find the MP3 of Matthew’s sermon by clicking on this link.

November 10th – The Means of Grace: Bible and Church

This sermon will seek to answer the question, “do Christians have to go to church” The key text is 2 Corinthians 1. You can find the MP3 of Stuart’s sermon by clicking on this link.

November 17th – Marks of the Believer

This sermon will seek to answer the question, “how can I know that I’m saved?” The key text is 1 John. You can find the MP3 of Matthew’s sermon by clicking on this link.

November 24th – Can Christians Fall Away?

This sermon will seek to answer the question, “Can Christians fall away?” . You can find the MP3 of Matthew’s sermon by clicking on this link.



Exodus – a journey in Ten Sermons


We’re excited to be beginning the defining journey of the Old Testament – a journey that sees God’s Holy people leave a land of slavery and make their way into a new reality defined by their living and ever present God. In essence the book is saying, “Hey world, meet the real God through Israel.” It’s the revelation of God’s name, His character, and saving power that are the highlights and we’ll be working through this book over ten sermons as outlined below. This map is a great resource of their journey and summary of how the series will unfold – if you click on it you’ll get a full sized A4 printable map to aid you in following along.







August 4th – Beatings and a new beginning

This sermon will launch our series with an introduction to the book and its setting as we explore Exodus 1&2. In it you’ll hear an overview of the book of Exodus, the context of being slaves in Egypt and explore the first two chapters as we begin our journey.

You can download the MP3 of Stuart Starr’s sermon by clicking here.

August 11th – Introducing God, Dealing with Doubt

Exodus 3:1-6:27

You can download the MP3 of Matthew Payne’s sermon by clicking here.

August 18th – A Plague on One of Your Houses

Exodus 6:28-10:29

You can download the MP3 of Stuart Starr’s sermon by clicking here.

August 25th – Chosen to be Passed Over

Exodus 11:1-13:16

You can download the MP3 of Matthew Payne’s sermon by clicking here.

September 1st – Salvation by Sea

Exodus 13:17-15:21

You can download the MP3 of Stuart Starr’s sermon by clicking here.

September 8th – Chorus of Complaint

Exodus 15:22-18:12

You can download the MP3 of Matthew Payne’s sermon by clicking here.

September 15th – Sinners at Sinai

Exodus 19:1-23:33

You can download the MP3 of Stuart Starr’s sermon by clicking here.

September 22nd – Covenant & Calf

Exodus 24 & 31:18-33:6

September 29th – Tabernacle

Exodus 25-31, 35-40

October 6th – Glory & Renewal

Exodus 33:7-34:35

You can download the MP3 of Stuart Starr’s sermon by clicking here.


Standing on the Shoulders of Giants


This series seeks to deepen our historical and theological roots as we go back in time to see those who have to varying degrees shaped our understanding of the Christian faith and how to be apprentices to Jesus. We’ll reflect on their lives as godly disciples and how God used them to influence the world about them. Along the way we hope that you’ll be inspired to take seriously the challenge to be in the world but not of it and to see how your place in society can be used for great Kingdom outcomes.

July 14th – Thomas Cranmer (1489-1556)

Exploring the foundations of Anglicanism and a faithful man in the midst of extraordinary times.

You can download Matthew’s sermon on MP3 by clicking here.

July 21st – Richard Baxter (1615-1691)

Explores the life of the pastor and his challenge to bring the whole of his town to know and love Jesus.

You can download Stuart’s sermon on MP3 by clicking here.

July 28th – John Calvin (1509-1564)

Explores the life of the great Reformer and his influence on how we think about so much of our Christianity from predestination to communion and so much in-between.

This sermon has been delayed and Matthew will preach on it later this year. On this day Stuart preached on Psalm 23 and you can download the sermon on MP3 by clicking here.

Matthew has now preached the sermon promised on John Calvin. It was a cracker and you can find the MP3 of the talk by clicking on this link.


Becoming Kingdom Kids

As a follow up to our Kingdom Kids Holiday Club we held a special Sunday where parents were invited to come and hear what their children had been learning at the camp from Tuesday to Thursday. This sermon was preached on that Sunday and can be downloaded by clicking on this link.


Jesus vs Suburbia – Commitment Series


Once a year NewLife Anglican Church holds what we’re calling our Commitment Series. This series is a four week time of focus on a particular part of the bible that challenges us to consider afresh how the Kingdom of God is shaping our time, talents and treasures. Starting this Sunday (June 9th) we’ll be working through three chapters of Matthew’s gospel and consider how Jesus challenges us not to merely conform to the pattern of suburbia that surrounds us. We’re looking forward to the challenges this will place on our measurement scales – will we look to our neighbours for our sense of worth – or to the righteous and holy standard that Jesus lays out for us His people.

These sermons will challenge us so please start praying now that not only will we hear the Word but we’ll be transformed as the Holy Spirit does His work of applying it to our hearts. It’s our plan to put the sermons up here too so you can listen to them again or share them with friends.

June 9th – Matthew 5:1-16 “Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness”

Click here to listen to the MP3.

June 16th – Matthew 5:17-48 “Righteousness without Moderation”

Click here to listen to the MP3.

June 23rd – Matthew 6:1-34 “How to Seek First the Kingdom”

Click here to listen to the MP3.

June 30th – Matthew 7 “Wise and Foolish builders” Commitment Sunday

This last Sunday “Commitment Sunday” will be a special day on which we’ll be asking each person to consider afresh their involvement in time, the use of their talents and the application of their financial resources for God’s mission to Oran Park and beyond.

Click here to listen to the MP3

Decision Sunday

We are eager to provide specific opportunities through the year for people to commit to Jesus as King. This, of course, doesn’t mean you won’t hear that call regularly in our preaching but rather that there will particular times when that’s the main focus of the sermon. Decision Sunday is just such a weekend. This is the sermon that Pastor Stuart Starr preached on Mark 9:38-48. Click on this link to download the MP3.

Road to Calvary – John Series


We’re really looking forward to preaching through the end of John’s account of Jesus’ life as we lead up to Easter. We’ll be doing this a week at a time as outlined below:

March 3 – John 15 “Jesus the vine”

Click here to listen to the sermon on MP3.

March 10 – John 16 “Jesus, The Father, and The Spirit”

Sorry we don’t have the copy of this sermon.

March 17 – John 17 “Jesus prays for all people”

Sorry we don’t have the recording of this sermon.

March 24 – John 18 “Jesus the King”

Click here to listen to the sermon on MP3.

March 29 – John 19 “The Death of Jesus the King”

Click here to listen to the sermon on MP3.

March 31 – John 20 “The King Lives!”

Sorry we don’t have the recording of this sermon.

Living New Life for Jesus


This series will run from February 3-24 and will cover the four values that we believe encompass what it means to live the new life Jesus offers in community within our church.

Feb 3: Faithful – committing ourselves to discipleship

Click here to listen to the sermon on MP3.

Feb 10: Adventurous – daring in the Spirit

Click here to listen to the sermon on MP3.

Feb 17: Compassionate – hearing Jesus’ call to love

Click here to listen to the sermon on MP3.

Feb 24: Enduring – running to win the prize

Click here to listen to the sermon on MP3.