Stirrings of the Soul: Aligning our Hearts with His

How we meet with God, and when we meet with Him, plays an important role in our lives as disciples of Christ. In fact, meeting with God in our quietness, away from the busyness and distraction of the routine of life, helps us to be more aware and attuned to the greater world around us. It can quickly open our eyes to the suffering of the world and the pain in the lives of those near us. Meeting with God can quite often break our hearts.

Unlike the pain of a broken relationship, or a failed business venture, the pain of a broken heart due to meeting with God is somewhat different. His gentle whispers and the quiet stirrings breaks us in a way that actually lead to real change, not only in our lives, but in the lives of those around us.

For thousands of years, God has been using man’s brokenness to move humanity forward and lead more people to Him. He revealed what he could of Himself to Moses in the cleft of a mountain. He reveled Himself in Jesus, who continually revealed himself to his disciples, changing their lives, and insomuch changed the whole world. He continues to reveal Himself to us, so He might be known to all.

Listen to Senior Assistant Pastor Geoff Leader, as he recounts how God has stirred him to work with meeting the needs of those who have a lot less throughout Africa, and be stirred to respond to how we can be beacons for Christ in our own neighbourhood.


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The sermons from our weekly series at NewLife Anglican Church in Oran Park, Sydney, Australia. Sermons are preached by Lead Pastor Stuart Starr, Senior Assistant Pastor Geoff Leader and Kids, Youth and Families Pastor Michael Mak. Subscribe on iTunes below.