What is PlayTime?
PlayTime is a group for parents, carers and kids. We’d love to get to know you and help you find a place to connect with others, enjoy some morning tea, and let the kids have a great time together.
When is it on?
PlayTime is on Every Wednesday at 10am at our church building – cnr Marcus Loane Way and Central Avenue, Oran Park. You can find up to date information on our Facebook page here: www.facebook.com/PlayTimeOranPark/
What happens?
Come along to PlayTime every Wednesday for stories, songs, craft, morning tea and lots of fun for 0-5 year olds.
What’s provided?
Parents and carers can enjoy a hot drink over morning tea which is provided. Morning tea is also provided for the kids.
The cost is a gold coin donation.
No booking required
More information?
Email Michael via our contact form below! We’d love to see you soon. test