Author Archive for Stuart Starr

NewLife Anglican / Articles by Stuart Starr (Page 4)

About Stuart Starr

Follower of Jesus, husband, dad, cyclist, photographer, and Lead Pastor. Keen to see new life in Jesus come to every home. Thankful for those partnering in doing that here at NewLife.
20 MAY 2020

 The God Who Is Always There

“God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ ””(Ex. 3:14 NIV11) Moses has been shepherding in Midian, found a wife, and is quietly going about his business when he sees something extraordinary....

19 MAY 2020

 We Can’t Social Distance Compassion

“Then Pharaoh’s daughter went down to the Nile to bathe, and her attendants were walking along the riverbank. She saw the basket among the reeds and sent her female slave to get it. She opened it and saw the baby. He was crying, and she felt sorry for him. “This...

18 MAY 2020

 What You’re Doing Right Now Matters

“The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do; they let the boys live.” (Ex. 1:17 NIV11) Today we’re starting the book of Exodus in our daily reading and so our devotions will be coming from there for the next...

16 MAY 2020

 Treating Tomorrow with Humility

“Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while...

14 MAY 2020

 Does Your Faith Ever Get To The Gym?

Do You Ever Use your Faith Membership? “But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.” (James 2:18 NIV11) Do you work out at a gym? I don’t but good on you if...

13 MAY 2020

 Persevering For Good

“Consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” James 1:2-3 (NIV11) Pure joy? What’s pure joy? A soft serve on a hot day. A 3 year old on a slippery dip. Freewheeling a...

02 MAY 2020

 Do we have a greater?

“From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”(Psa. 61:2 NIV11) What’s greater than you? Not better. People can be better than you a lots of things. Really unimportant things like UNO....

28 APRIL 2020

 Are you in the midst of a story?

Scripture:  Genesis 42 Observation:  How do you respond to a crisis? Even better, how are you responding to our crisis? Some people spring into action. Some are overwhelmed by tiredness. Some are paralysed by having to make any decisions. It’s intriguing to see this last option seems to be the...

Subscribe to the NewLife Oran Park Podcast

The sermons from our weekly series at NewLife Anglican Church in Oran Park, Sydney, Australia. Sermons are preached by Lead Pastor Stuart Starr, Senior Assistant Pastor Geoff Leader and Kids, Youth and Families Pastor Michael Mak. Subscribe on iTunes below.