Here it is in the Bible: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here."

For us at NewLife Anglican, we see these wonderful words offering a call to hope, an invitation to community and at their very heart they offer a fresh start with God. Our Vision is to see new life in Jesus come to every home in Oran Park and the growing South West for their salvation, the good of the community and the glory of God.

To find joy in bringing glory to God by:

Giving the message of NewLife

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Living NewLife for Jesus

…and teaching them to obey all that He had taught.

We find the mandate for our mission in Matthew chapter 28 where we see Jesus give His Church the great commission to make disciples of all nations (Giving the message) baptising them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all that He had taught (Living new life for Jesus).

Giving the message of NewLife means:

Joining God’s mission to win our community and the world to Jesus as we Connect, Care, Communicate, and call people to Commit to Him as King.

Living NewLife for Jesus means:

Partnering with God and one another to build Jesus’ Church by establishing vibrant communities of Faithful, Adventurous, Compassionate and Enduring disciples.

To find out more book a time to join us for our new life course which explains what we’re about as a church more fully and is the step everyone takes to become a full partner with us at NewLife Anglican.

NewLife found in a Church Community

We believe that Jesus died and rose to begin His Church. We see Jesus’ Church in churches all over the world that live for His glory and help those near and far come to know Him.

Therefore, we at newLife seek to do just that – by giving and living the message of new life in weekly LifeGroups, in our Sunday gathering, and in-between by simply ‘doing life together’. We look forward to eating, drinking, running, riding, praying, reading and celebrating together as expressions of our love for Jesus and for each other. Finding new life naturally leads to living it out in community.

There’s lots to discuss and we’d love to do that in person – so drop by for a Sunday, or drop us a line to arrange a time to chat. If you ‘click’ on the tree you should find it expand (to a more readable size) and fill up whatever screen you’re viewing this on.

NewLife begins with a fresh start with God

All of this means that we have news that’s too good not to share. The good news is that no matter what you’ve done, no matter who you are, there is a chance for a fresh start with God.

Our passion is helping everyone know and experience the new life that the Lord Jesus offers.

We’d love you to join us as we seek to establish a church which eagerly gives and lives this message of new life.

Some of your Questions:

Jesus is the only hope for our world.

This hope is secured in the fact that Jesus lived a real life, died in our place to pay the price for our sins, and rose gloriously on the third day to live forever.

Jesus’ victory means that death isn’t the final word and we can look forward to the renewal of all things on the last day. That’s the reason we have such a great hope of new life.

We believe that Jesus died and rose to begin His Church. We see Jesus’ Church in churches all over the world that live for His glory and help those near and far come to know Him.

Therefore, we at newLife seek to do just that – by giving and living the message of new life in weekly LifeGroups, in our Sunday gathering, and in-between by simply ‘doing life together’. We look forward to eating, drinking, running, riding, praying, reading and celebrating together as expressions of our love for Jesus and for each other. Finding new life naturally leads to living it out in community.

All of this means that we have news that’s too good not to share. The good news is that no matter what you’ve done, no matter who you are, there is a chance for a fresh start with God.

Our passion is helping everyone know and experience the new life that the Lord Jesus offers.

We’d love you to join us as we seek to establish a church which eagerly gives and lives this message of new life.

We long to see new life in Jesus come to every home in Oran Park and the growing South West for their salvation, the good of the community and the glory of God.

To find joy in bringing glory to God by:

  1. Giving the message of new life
  2. Living new life for Jesus

We find the mandate for our mission in Matthew chapter 28 where we see Jesus give His Church the great commission to make disciples of all nations (Giving the message) baptising them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all that He had taught (Living new life for Jesus).

Giving the message of new life means:

Joining God’s mission to win our community and the world to Jesus as we ConnectCareCommunicate, and call people to Commit to Him as King.

Living new life for Jesus means:

Partnering with God and one another to build Jesus’ Church by establishing vibrant communities of FaithfulAdventurousCompassionate and Enduringdisciples.

To find out more book a time to join us for our new life course which explains what we’re about as a church more fully and is the step everyone takes to become a full partner with us at NewLife Anglican.

We believe passionately in making ideas that matter as beautiful and memorable as possible. To make that happen we’ve organised the concepts of giving and living the message of new life in Jesus around a tree. You can find that diagram and it’s questions right here. There’s lots to discuss and we’d love to do that in person – so drop by for a Sunday, or drop us a line to arrange a time to chat. If you ‘click’ on the tree you should find it expand (to a more readable size) and fill up whatever screen you’re viewing this on.

NewLife Oran Park Tree

Didn’t find the answer?

We would love to catch up and talk about things in a more personal way than the web allows. With that in mind you can email us or call us on our mobile numbers…

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