What should I expect?
I guess there are two answers to this question. If you’ve never been to a church before, you’ll probably find what we do friendly but a little different from your local soccer club. We’re confident you’ll find us welcoming and you’ll pick it up as you go. When you come along you won’t be asked to pray or read the bible and you can choose to participate in the questions and answers at whatever level you’d like.
If you’re already a follower of Jesus you’ll find us relaxed and relatively informal. We’re serious about serving Jesus, what we teach, and focused on seeing hope, community and a fresh start with God for every home in Oran Park. As we’re just starting out we’ll begin the journey of working out if this can be your home by spending a Sunday together and follow that up with a visit to let you know more of what we do and so you can ask us your questions.
There’s nothing that you’ll need to bring other than a readiness to engage and meet some friendly new people. We’ll provide bibles, morning tea, and a great community of people eager to follow Jesus and help you on in the journey to do the same.
No. The work we do is funded by those who’ve chosen to call NewLife Anglican Church their home. If you’re a visitor we’d love you to feel free to meet our community without any expectation that we need your money.
We’d love you to feel comfortable and relaxed – that’s how we’ll be – so dress in a way that helps you feel that way. In winter you’ll probably find us in jeans and shirts and jumpers. In summer dresses, t-shirts and shorts won’t be out of the ordinary. Come comfortable but don’t feel you need to be dressy to fit in.
We’d love to help you find a place with us and you can drop us an email by clicking our “Contact us” link at the top, or fill in the form at the bottom of this page.
There’s always lots happening at NewLife so if you’d like to find out more you can find a link to our What’s on page, or by Viewing our Calendar!
For more information, or to get in contact with someone, fill out the form below.