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Past Sermon Series

In the Midst of the Storm

Weekly sermon series at NewLife Anglican Oran Park, led by Steve Davis

Weekly sermon series at NewLife Anglican Oran Park, led by Steve Davis

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Join with the NewLife congregation, as we look into Pauls life and mission to the Romans. Read more...

King David

Join with NewLife Oran Park as we work through a ten week series designed to help us meet  Read more...

Jesus Is Alive

Is there anything beyond death? Christians make an incredible claim - that three days afte Read more...

Jesus is

Jesus is famous. Hes also the head of one of the worlds three great religions. But is it r Read more...

All Things New

Be invited to live in the awareness that Eternity is in our hearts now, and we don't need  Read more...

Good News

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light, on those living in the land of dee Read more...


God shaped priorities, for the silly season.

Lord Please make my Church

This series, Lord Please Make my Church..., will be looking at our four values and asking  Read more...

We’ve been blessed to have some valued guests share their testimonies and lives with us at NewLife Anglican Church.

A FORTUNATE UNIVERSE You don’t have to be a scientist to appreciate the beauty of the night sky, but there is much more to the Universe than its good looks… CATHERINE CAMPBELL Catherine Campbell is involved in ministry to women through speaking, writing and pastoral... PETER STEDMAN Peter shares from the life of Joseph and his wrestle with Death, Betrayal and Loss of Security... NEWLIFE OPEN HOUSE Welcome to NewLife at Oran Park! Listen to Stuart on this special occasion as he examines the compassion… WHO IS JESUS? Glenn Davies, Arch Bishop of Sydney, at the official opening of NewLife, explains that the outcome of your whole life depends on… LUKE A. BARNESCATHERINE CAMPBELLPETER STEDMANOPEN HOUSEGLENN DAVIES

The sermons from our weekly series at NewLife Anglican Church in Oran Park, Sydney, Australia. Sermons are preached by Lead Pastor Stuart Starr, Senior Assistant Pastor Geoff Leader and Kids, Youth and Families Pastor Michael Mak.