Jesus Is: Alive
Is there anything beyond death? Christians make an incredible claim - that three days after His crucifixion Jesus’s friends found His tomb empty. Was it true? What does it mean for us? Consider the evidence for yourself.
Is there anything beyond death? Christians make an incredible claim - that three days after His crucifixion Jesus friends found His tomb empty. Was it true? What does it mean for us? Consider the evidence for yourself.
Is there anything beyond death? Christians make an incredible claim - that three days after His crucifixion Jesus’s friends found His tomb empty. Was it true? What does it mean for us? Consider the evidence for yourself.
Does God really love us? If you think that God isn’t into sin you’d be right. So if we’re not living up to God’s standard surely we’re in trouble. How can God be against sin and love us? How is Jesus, “a friend to sinners?”