New Life Anglican is a group of Christians who live in and around Oran Park, starting a brand new church with the express goal of seeing new life come to every home in Oran Park and the growing South West.
We’d love you to come! Although we’re an Anglican Church you’ll find that we welcome everyone who’s interested in Jesus. This means that whether you’re someone who’s never darkened the door of a church building, someone who’s practiced another faith, or are a Catholic who’s curious to see what happens you will be welcome.
For us being Anglican has three dimensions; what we believe about God (the theological), the way we do church (the ecclesiological), and how we are held accountable (the pastoral). Let’s unpack each of those;
What we believe about God (Theological) As a church we believe saved by faith in Jesus alone. We believe in the bible as the highest authority and guide for all things relevant to getting right with God and living to please him. We believe in one Church that Jesus died and rose again for and lots of local expressions of that church in places all over the world. What we believe is summed up in two documents the Apostle’s Creed (an ancient and global confession of the things Christians hold dear) and the 39 Articles (the formative document that defined and created the Anglican church). It’s also our conviction from the bible that every member plays a role in making church happen and that it’s not just the responsibility of the paid staff. This is sometimes referred to as, “the priesthood of all believers”. In practice it means we’re thankful for those who serve full-time but view them as brothers and sisters amongst equals rather than as elevated to a position closer to God.
How we do church (Ecclesiological) The structure of our meeting together is based on the outline contained in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer. This form of service was originally conceived almost 400 years ago and continues today to point us helpfully to prayer, repentance, singing praise, and most importantly, the place of the bible in our services. It is also teaches us the way we most helpfully celebrate the Lord’s supper, baptisms, weddings and funerals. Although we have updated the presentation this foundation is very formative. Being Anglican also informs the way that we run our church. In our tradition this means that the Pastor serves the congregation full-time with a team of non paid members who oversee the daily running and organisation of the church. As we grow these forms of governing will become more evident.
How we are held accountable (Pastoral) Not only does the Anglican church envisage a model of leadership that includes elected members from within the congregation it also provides oversight of each church to ensure that they are on track with speaking the truth about Jesus and holding to the way of living that’s appropriate for those who bear the name pastor. Those in oversight are called bishops and you might be surprised to know that ours resides in Wollongong.
Stuart Starr is the Lead Pastor at NewLife and oversees the church together with a group of key members of our congregation. You can find Stuart’s profile and contact details below.
NewLife reflects the suburb around us. We’re predominantly young families with kids in local schools including Oran Park Anglican College and Oran Park Public School. As the Chesalon retirement village in Oran Park grows we have been blessed to have more members from there come to join our NewLife community and so to see it reflect the breadth of life experiences around us.
Of course – come along and find out for yourself.
NewLife Staff Team

Stuart Starr
My wife Carolyn and I moved in to Oran Park on 30th January 2011 after having spent the previous 6 years in Wollongong. We’re excited to come to a new suburb full of opportunity, new friends and new challenges.

Mark Mifsud
I’m from the beautiful St George district, specifically in Penshurst. I spent the first 20 years of my life living there until I moved out to Teen Ranch. My wife is named Jess and we’ve been married since 2020. She’s my best friend and my biggest supporter.

Michael Mak
I was born in Hong Kong and came to Australia early on, growing up in the Sutherland Shire. I was fortunate to move to Oran Park Anglican in early 2017. I have previously ministered in Sylvania, Windsor, Oatley and Gymea.

Lauren Cox
I grew up in St George area of Sydney in the suburb of Kingsgrove (AKA The Grove). I am married to my husband Paul and God has blessed us with four wild young men.

Steve Davis
Married at a tender 20 years of age. Wife Ros married 41years. 4 Children Simon, Ben, Hannah and Rebekah. 7 soon to be 9 grandchildren God willing. Mum still kicking, very healthy. Sister and Brother and families.

Annabé Terblanche
Originally from South Africa, me and my husband have come to love and appreciate beautiful Australia. Blessed by four children while living in Australia we have moved to Oran Park in 2021 and are so grateful for the home that NewLife has given us.