God Seeks the Lost
Luke 15 will be the focus this Sunday as we consider Jesus’ ultimate destination. You can find the MP3 of Matthew’s sermon here.
Luke 15 will be the focus this Sunday as we consider Jesus’ ultimate destination. You can find the MP3 of Matthew’s sermon here.
Luke 12:49-14:35 will be the focus this Sunday as we consider Jesus’ ultimate destination. You can find the MP3 of Stuart’s sermon here.
Luke 24 will be the focus this Sunday as we consider Jesus conquering His final enemy – death. You can find the MP3 of Stuart’s sermon here.
Luke 11:1-12:48 will be the focus this Sunday as we consider Jesus’ ultimate destination. You can find the MP3 of Matthew’s sermon here.
Luke 9:51-10:41 will be the focus this Sunday as we consider Jesus’ ultimate destination. You can find the MP3 of Stuart’s sermon here.
[bible passage="Exodus 19:1-23:33" heading="h3"]
Big Question: “Why bother with Church?” Jesus’ church is one community of loving relationships. The structure and busyness of today’s society presents particular challenges to churches really being communities. How can Christians help to ensure that their church is a community, and not simply a group of strangers that meet...