King David: The Ripple Effects of Sin
David's fall caused some serious ripples throughout the kingdom, and even down through history. How will we see broken and contrite hearts as valuable to God and ultimately find His full forgiveness?
David's fall caused some serious ripples throughout the kingdom, and even down through history. How will we see broken and contrite hearts as valuable to God and ultimately find His full forgiveness?
Sin will always be revealed in our lives. What will we do so that each of us will endure until the day of Jesus’s coming?
David showed love and grace to Mephibosheth, Jesus showed love and grace to us when we were crippled by our sin. Will we show love and grace to the least in our society - living out our "Compassionate" value?
David had sought to make his mark by building God a house. God turned that on its head and said that He would establish David’s legacy. Understanding that it’s God who ultimately determines these things what might be a legacy that you’d like to leave behind for the Kingdom (God willing)?