Sermon Podcasts

 Jesus is worth telling your friends about

For everything that people say about Jesus, it was John the Baptist alone who had a pivotal and unique role in identifying exactly who He is.  “This is the one I meant when I said, ‘A man who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.’” We explore who people say Jesus is and who John the Baptist and the Word say He is. 

 All Things New

How often do we look forward to New Years Day to start our diets, a new fitness plan, a new business venture, or any number of a hundred goals? Its a great chance to start over and begin again. The trouble with New Years Day is that it is intangible and ethereal - we live most of the year not in the expectation of starting, but in the empty space of never starting. We like to live our lives "there" without ever really being "here", and in the meantime miss out on the actual opportunity in living in that way now. ...

 Good News: Christmas Eve

"The people walking in darkness have seen a great light, on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned." Join with Lead Pastor Stuart Starr and the NewLife congregation as we explore that wonderful mystery of Christmas - that Advent is truley not about hope alone, but about waiting while we know the Christ is here - with each of us. We are a people moving beyond hope - to being people who know that there is no night that does not eventually lead to dawn.

 ChristmaSanity: Christmas is Coming!

Join with Alec Michie as he unpacks Isaiah 40: 1-11 and relates being prepared for Christmas with the broader preparedness Isaiah speeks of for us to be ready to receive the good news of Jesus and spread that message to the world. Note: Unfortunately a recording in the morning service was...

 ChristmaSanity: We need a Redeemer @Night

What is a person really worth? How do you measure it? It's so easy at Christmas time to subconsiously measure someones worth through what we give them. Lead Pastor Stuart Starr takes a look at how we can live a life that's full of grace, and not meaningless giving. Unfortunately the beginning of...

 ChristmaSanity: The Hope if Restoration

What does a utopian future look like? Can it ever exist while we line in sin? How does it form and how is it cultivated? Stuart Grant focusses on a God who sends Jesus to show us how to respond in love and adoration, to not worry about the little things, but to ponder on the big, for the sake of the world, our neighbour and Him.

Subscribe to the NewLife Oran Park Podcast

The sermons from our weekly series at NewLife Anglican Church in Oran Park, Sydney, Australia. Sermons are preached by Lead Pastor Stuart Starr, Senior Assistant Pastor Geoff Leader and Kids, Youth and Families Pastor Michael Mak. Subscribe on iTunes below.