Author Archive for Stuart Starr

About Stuart Starr

New Life Anglican is a group of Christians who live in and around Oran Park, starting a brand new church with the express goal of seeing new life come to every home in Oran Park and the growing South West.

 What does God actually say about Gay Marriage?

A biblically informed attempt to seek a careful and faithful investigation of a topic that has the attention of Christians and the rest of the community. You can hear Stuart’s message here.

 Should human’s play God in Medicine?

It’s hard to escape Spiderman here. There’s great power in modern medicine and increasingly this places options and opportunities before us as human beings that were previously the exclusive domain of our Heavenly Father. In this sermon we’ll explore what relationship great power has to great responsibility as God’s...

 What does God think about broken marriages?

A huge topic in our broken world. We’ll explore marriage as God intended originally, the trials of marriage, broken marriages and the possibility of remarriage. You can listen to Stuart’s sermon here. If this sermon raises questions and circumstances that weren’t covered (undoubtedly the case) then please feel free...

 Saving the Rich

Luke 16:1-19:27 will be the focus this Sunday as we consider Jesus’ ultimate destination. You can find the MP3 of Stuart’s sermon here.

 Israel Rejects its King; the Cost of Discipleship

Luke 12:49-14:35 will be the focus this Sunday as we consider Jesus’ ultimate destination. You can find the MP3 of Stuart’s sermon here.

 You Can’t Keep a Good Man Down

Luke 24 will be the focus this Sunday as we consider Jesus conquering His final enemy – death. You can find the MP3 of Stuart’s sermon here.

 Jesus resolutely sets out for Jerusalem

Luke 9:51-10:41 will be the focus this Sunday as we consider Jesus’ ultimate destination. You can find the MP3 of Stuart’s sermon here.

 Sinners at Sinai

[bible passage="Exodus 19:1-23:33" heading="h3"]

 Every member ministry: How Jesus equips his Church to Serve

Big Question: “How can I serve?” All Christians are ‘ministers’ (that is, servants), and called to serve Jesus’ family with the gifts God has given them, for the health and upbuilding of their church community. How do I get started? How can I know how God has gifted me to...

 The Church in the Community

Big Question: “Why is God building His Church?” This sermon was given by the bishop of Wollongong, Peter Hayward, at the commemoration of NewLife Anglican Church becoming a Provisional Parish. Peter takes us to Acts 11 to reflect on how Jesus-centred, Bible-believing churches are essential to a local community. You...

Subscribe to the NewLife Oran Park Podcast

The sermons from our weekly series at NewLife Anglican Church in Oran Park, Sydney, Australia. Sermons are preached by Lead Pastor Stuart Starr, Senior Assistant Pastor Geoff Leader and Kids, Youth and Families Pastor Michael Mak. Subscribe on iTunes below.