Sermon Podcasts

 Johns Gospel: What to do with Dirty Feet

For the last few thousand years, (or so), Christians have sought to show the world that Christianity is more than just a means by which we enter Heaven. And of course doing good and living valued lives is important, but it cannot sustain life. It is our faith in Christ...

 Johns Gospel: Light of the World

John 8 continues the brilliant, creative teaching of Jesus, through the eyes of his disciples. Throughout our series, we’ve seen how Jesus continually broke down the cultural and religious barriers of the people around him by revealing how tradition and ritual can be useful if it leads to knowing and...

 Johns Gospel: Hungry for food that lasts

Jesus feeding the five thousand is arguably one of the more memorable miracles found throughout the scriptures. Seeing the simple needs of the many in front of him, Jesus turns a boys small barley loaves and fish into food to feed the multitude - and of course not only in...

 Johns Gospel: Samaritans and Salvation

For the last few weeks, we’ve listed to John’s expansive and enlightening Gospel writings. We’ve listened as John expands the creation poem found in Genesis, by taking our own image of a physical creation and our own spiritual concepts of an invisible God, and revealing that the very nature of...

 Johns Gospel: Missing the Messiah

Reading through John's gospel, you can easily be forgiven for simply reading it as a series of unrelated stories and accounts. An introduction of who Jesus is, the introduction of his ministry on Earth, and now a celebration at a local wedding. But John's gospel account is anything but that. What...

 Johns Gospel: The Word and The Witness

What does the Divine look like? What form does Everlasting take? How do you wrap your mind around an invisible God who is beyond our reach of understanding? How do you - without science and all the data and analysis and hypothesis that come with it - write about something that...

 Stirrings of the Soul: NewLife in Every Home

How we perceive our environment, and the world around us is fundamental to the Christian life. The stories in the Bible often tell of a transformative God - One who continually pulls humanity out of itself to see a bigger picture and a larger perspective of the world and humanity....

 Stirrings of the Soul: Aligning our Hearts with His

How we meet with God, and when we meet with Him, plays an important role in our lives as disciples of Christ. In fact, meeting with God in our quietness, away from the busyness and distraction of the routine of life, helps us to be more aware and attuned to...

 Stirrings of the Soul: God reveals His Glory

The stories and accounts in prophetic writings like Revelation, often paint the ‘Glory of God’ with metaphor and images like fire and brilliance and intensity. They reveal a spiritual truth that is synonymous with power and justice. However, much of the New Testament writings are stark in comparison to these...

 Stirrings of the Soul: You are there

The idea of a God who is omnipresent - everywhere all the time - is hard to grasp for some people. A God who sees all and hears the tiniest whispers of your heart can be a little unnerving. Where can you go to hide from a God like this?...

Subscribe to the NewLife Oran Park Podcast

The sermons from our weekly series at NewLife Anglican Church in Oran Park, Sydney, Australia. Sermons are preached by Lead Pastor Stuart Starr, Senior Assistant Pastor Geoff Leader and Kids, Youth and Families Pastor Michael Mak. Subscribe on iTunes below.